Sustainability Sustainability plays an important role in many areas. Our company is pursuing strategic and solid growth as well as a target-leading financial management. These pillars have helped us build up a long-term fiscal policy. We understand and accept our responsibility in economic, ecological and social aspects. We do not regard our high standard as …
Specialized Commitment
We focus on people: our customers – and our employees. We provide a good working atmosphere, we treat each other respectfully and fairly and foster open communication. We carry out your requirements in a positive and motivated manner, you will see that we enjoy our daily business. We honestly mean it when we say: We …
Specialized Values
Sustainable economic activities means we run the company as a long-lasting business with long-term success. We stand for growth with future responsibility in economic, environmental and social areas. Especially the transport and logistics sector has a special responsibility for its resources. We develop and implement efficient and sustainable concepts!
SPECIALIZED Transporting: philosophy
Specialized Quality Our most important aim is to satisfy our customers. Therefore, the basis of our daily work is excellent quality in all our projects, total commitment and cost transparency for our customers. We offer customized high-quality logistics solutions
About us
About us : Welcome to the SPECIALIZED TRANSPORTING! We are a modern full service provider and invite you to learn more about our company on the following pages. Based on our large experience, knowledge of cultural differences in the respective markets of the countries we deliver and equipped with a fleet of vehicles of the latest …